Thursday, March 29, 2012

A major international conference focusing on solutions to the global sustainability challenge, London March 2012

About this Conference

Based on the latest scientific evidence, the London Planet Under Pressure conference will provide a comprehensive update of our knowledge of the Earth system and the pressure our planet is now under. The London conference will focus the scientific community’s and the wider world’s attention on climate, ecological degradation, human well-being, planetary thresholds, food security, energy, governance across scales and poverty alleviation.

The conference will discuss solutions, at all scales, to move societies on to a sustainable pathway. It will provide scientific leadership towards the 2012 UN Rio +20 conference, also in 2012.

A new vision for trans-disciplinary research and broader partnerships

This event will be a unique opportunity to meet and interview world-leading scientists as well as high profile decision-makers from policy, industry and civil society. An outstanding suite of parallel sessions and other interactive events will provide a lot of material for reporting.

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