Tuesday, April 26, 2011

U.S. State's population outpacing jobs

The Associated Press

DENVER — Colorado's population is outpacing the number of new jobs, economists and demographers say. The growth is attributed to both births and new arrivals.

  Economists predict the state will gain between 10,000 to 20,000 jobs this year, while demographers say the population is expected to grow by 85,000, including births, The Denver Post reported.

   The state lost 130,000 jobs from 2008 to 2010 but that didn’t keep people from wanting to move to the state. An estimated 145,000 people moved to Colorado during that time from other states. 

   The trends likely won’t help the state’s high unemployment rate, said Martin Shields, a regional economist at Colorado State University. In March, the statewide jobless rate stood at 9.2 percent with about 246,000 people out of work.

 ‘‘If the labor force continues to grow faster than the economy creates jobs, then we’re going to see prolonged unemployment,’’ Shields said. 

For full article:

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