Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Africa: Humanitarianism in a Changing World

Dubai — There is "worrying evidence" that the scale and scope of disasters will increase significantly in coming years and "the international community is not prepared," says Ross Mountain, director-general of Development Assistance Research Associates (DARA), a Madrid-based think-tank which advocates better humanitarian policies.

He was speaking at the Dubai International Humanitarian Aid & Development Conference & Exhibition, which ran from 1-3 April.
In vulnerable countries food prices, urbanization, migration, the impact of climate change and population growth are all increasing. But as the challenges grow, the resources available in OECD countries - the traditional donors - to respond to humanitarian crises are shrinking.
"The challenge will be huge," Johannes Luchner, head of the Middle East, Central and South-West Asia unit of the European Commission's humanitarian aid arm ECHO, said at the conference. "We need to do things differently in order to cope with this development."

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