Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Mother: Caring for Seven Billion. A must see film

Mother, the film, breaks a 40-year taboo by bringing to light an issue that silently fuels our most pressing environmental, humanitarian and social crises - population growth. In 2011 the world population reached 7 billion, a startling seven-fold increase since the first billion occurred 200 years ago. 

Population was once at the top of the international agenda, dominating the first Earth Day and the subject of best-selling books like “The Population Bomb”. Since the 1960s the world population has nearly doubled, adding more than 3 billion people.  At the same time, talking about population has become politically incorrect because of the sensitivity of the issues surrounding the topic–religion, economics, family planning and gender inequality. Yet it is an issue we cannot afford to ignore.

"Mother is a must-see film on why population growth still matters and what is hindering action to reduce it."
-Hania Zlotnik
Director of Population Division, United Nations

"The film compellingly argues that a fair and just solution is likely to only be found in a complete refocusing of our priorities and societies. Specifically, we must value diversity, human and biological, over the gross national product and human solidarity over competition. Although Fauchere does not show us how to get to this point, Mother leaves viewers with a ray of hope that humanity has the potential to reach such a state. It will also convince them that to do so we must not be afraid to reengage with the population issue and that the time for such renewed engagement is now."
Sacha Vignieri

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