Thursday, April 26, 2012

Governments failing to avert catastrophic climate change, IEA warns Ministers attending clean energy summit in London to be gravely warned about continuing global addiction to fossil fuels

Maria van der Hoeven, executive director of the International Energy Agency, whose latest report is damning of governments across the world. Photograph: Haruyoshi Yamaguchi/Getty Images

By Fionas Harvey and Damian Carrington, The Guardian 25th April, 2012
Governments are falling badly behind on low-carbon energy, putting carbon reduction targets out of reach and pushing the world to the brink of catastrophic climate change, the world's leading independent energy authority will warn on Wednesday.
The stark judgment is being given at a key meeting of energy ministers from the world's biggest economies and emitters taking place in London on Wednesday – a meeting already overshadowed by David Cameron's last-minute withdrawal from a keynote speech planned for Thursday.
"The world's energy system is being pushed to breaking point," Maria van der Hoeven, executive director of the International Energy Agency, writes in today's Guardian. "Our addiction to fossil fuels grows stronger each year. Many clean energy technologies are available but they are not being deployed quickly enough to avert potentially disastrous consequences."
For full article:

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