Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Abortion soars among women in 40s. The number of women having abortions in their 40s has risen by almost one third in a decade, according to new figures - UK

In total, 8,179 women aged 40 and over terminated pregnancies last year - including more than 650 women above the age of 45, and 21 women aged 50 and over Photo: ALAMY

by Laura Donnelly - The Telegraph – UK

Experts said the dramatic rise reflects increased sexual activity among older women, and higher numbers of single women and divorcees – who are far more likely than previous generations to have casual sex or short-term relationships.

The head of Britain's biggest abortion provider said women in their 40s – dubbed "The Sex and the City generation" – were increasingly inclined to take chances with contraception, only to be shocked when they became pregnant.

Pro-life campaigners described the figures as "extraordinarily depressing".

For full article:

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