Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Someone at the UN is not going to be happy… by Marcus Roberts

The UN has recently released its alarmist projections of the world’s population for the year 2100. The global body is preparing us for the worst - the world is going to be vastly overpopulated unless something is done. The answer to this overpopulation “problem” seems to be more contraception and more abortions.
However, the German government is taking a different path.  It plans to give more money to fund IVF for people who can’t otherwise have children and to cut down the bureaucracy that stands in the way of families who want to adopt. I can see that this is not going to go down well at the UN. Encouraging people to have children!? This is madness – haven’t the Germans seen the population projections?? Don’t they care about the planet?? Won’t they think of the (hopefully non-existent, because there will be too many of them) children!?

For full article:

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