Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Overcoming the threat of population boom - Jakarta (Indonesia)

By Sudirman Nasir, Makassar

Several government officials, demographers and public health analysts have recently reminded us that the threat of a population boom in Indonesia is real. 

In point of fact, population growth in the country during the period from 2000 to 2010 was 1.49 percent per year, compared to 1.45 percent during the period of 1990 
to 2000. 

The rate translates into at least 3.5 million births per year, which will significantly augment Indonesia’s current population size of 237.6 million people.

In just five more years, Indonesia’s population could swell to more than 250 million people. Furthermore, the United Nations has predicted the country’s population will reach 263 million by 2025.

We should look at the above figures as an early warning, indicating the possibility of a multi-dimensional crisis in the next 15 to 30 years. For sure, the rise of annual population growth rate will over-stretch and overload Indonesia’s limited resources as well as trigger various social, economic, security, ecological and public health problems in the coming years.

For full atticle:

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