Monday, May 23, 2011

Crowded house - Looking at India

Sanchita Sharma, Hindustan Times
Some time in October this year, a boy born in an Uttar Pradesh (UP) village will be the 7th billion human on earth. Some skeptics argue that any one of the thousands born every second around the world can be ‘Baby 7 Billion’, but most demographers insist that the gender and place are right. “Selecting ‘Baby 7 Billion’ is simply based upon probability. India has the most annual births in the world, Uttar Pradesh the most in India and, worldwide, there about 105 boy babies to every 100 girl babies, unless sex-selective abortion artificially changes the sex ratio at birth. Picking rural UP is an extension of that logic since the state is predominately rural,” Dr Carl Haub, Conrad Taeuber Chair of Population Information at the Washington DC-based Population Reference Bureau, told HT.

Humanity has expanded exponentially over the last decade. One billion people have been added to the earth since 1999, when the world’s population touched 6 billion. Just a century ago, it was 1.6 billion, which is a little more than China’s population of 1.34 billion today.

Birth of a nation
The largest number of babies are born in India each year — 27 million, roughly one in five of all global births — increasing the country’s population by more than 350 million in a decade, compared to China’s population rise by 210 million in the same period. China’s one-child policy has halved the number of births to 16 million each year.

For full article:

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