Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Women Have Abortions Whatever Their Religion - A Rabbi speaks out

are in the midst of very painful debates in Congress over family planning and abortion care. It’s time to catch our breath, step back and take a broader perspective: There’s an ongoing search for “common ground” on abortion, dreams of reaching an agreement that, once and for all, satisfies everyone involved. For those seeking this elusive “common ground,” a recently released Guttmacher Institute study [PDF] holds the key.  
The study finds that women of a wide range of faiths have abortions, even when the “official” faith teachings are opposed: So, it’s time to stop pretending and get one step closer to our “common ground:” The abortion will happen. No matter how strongly a woman’s pastor may rail, at the end of the day, she will make up her own mind when her pregnancy goes awry or is unplanned. So here’s the “common ground:” Once the woman weighs all her options – adoption, carrying to term, abortion – and comes to her conclusion, make sure she has the best in medical care and support that she believes is right for her.  
It may come as a surprise that a religious woman would have an abortion – yet, for many, that’s just what happens. She may tell her clergy her story and she may listen carefully to her faith teaching and any advice. Then she turns from the clergy and does what she believes she should, regardless of what any pastor, elected official or radio talk show host thinks. The woman determines and shapes her destiny – and, in another surprise to many, she may in fact have the support of her clergy.  

For full article:

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