Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Hypocrisy of Being Green and Making Babies - HuffPost Green

By Toni Nagy
If you had one louse on your head, would you think it was a problem? How about two? Would you hunt down and exterminate the Adam and Eve of lice nestled in your hair, or let them be? What about 10? Or 20? Or 200? What is the number you would tolerate before dunking your head in toxic poison to kill them all? Sometimes I think that is how the earth feels about us. Even though I know overpopulation is a serious threat to the environment, it is hard to come up with a solution. I mean, I am not a mathematician or anything, but either more people have to die or fewer people have to be born.
About a year ago, when I was pregnant, I saw this video by comedian Doug Stanhope:

For video and full article:

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