Wednesday, July 6, 2011

America needs to innovate its way out of the recession. Government, businesses and institutions have to take tough decisions together and work in unison

By Mick O'Reilly, Deputy Managing Editor – Gulf News
A large formal oil portrait of the 38th President of the United States oversees the ladies of West Michigan as they play their hands at their regular Tuesday afternoon Bridge session at the Kent County Golf and Country Club.

From his pride of place over the mantel, Gerald R. Ford silently stands sentinel over the coiffed matriarchs as they play their hands in the formal room that bears his name. For years, these ladies have played every Tuesday, some occupying the seat of their mother before them.

Outside the neat neo-colonial clubhouse on a hill that overlooks the rolling fairways and greens and the city of Grand Rapids, there are few playing the course — save for the occasional interlopers that duff around the furthermost holes out of sight and reach of the groundskeepers. This, the second-largest city of Michigan, is known as the Furniture Capital of America — the valley and river and deep forests perfect for the moving of lumber and the making of fine cabinetry.

It was here that flouride was first introduced to any US city's water supply, ensuring the residents would have good teeth and fine smiles

But few are smiling here now -- nor anywhere else in the US. Not since Gerald R. Ford oversaw the nation from his place in the Oval Office has the US economy been in such a state of stagnation.

For full article:

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