Saturday, July 30, 2011

We must be prepared for more Anders Breiviks - The Muslim population of Europe will undoubtedly rise – and the irrational fear will spread

By Robert Fox - The First Post

One of the problems with Colonel Gaddafi is that from time to time he is in the habit of speaking an inconvenient truth. OK, let's not exaggerate, from time he speaks grains of inconvenient truths.

Since 2006 the Libyan leader has been proposing that Islam should be the religion of Europe - he even said so in Rome during his visit there two years ago.

Furthermore, Gaddafi said last year that it will become Europe's major religion and that European governments will have Muslims in them by 2050. He said this was sure to happen because of the growth of the Muslim population in Europe, which he claims could be "more than 50 per cent if Turkey joins the EU".

Last October Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany seemed to half agree with the colonel when she denounced the failure of multiculturalism in her country in her party conference speech in Potsdam. As a good daughter of a Lutheran pastor she suggested that the Muslims of Germany must integrate more and sign up to the basic values - mostly taken from secular Christianity - embraced by the constitution of today's federal Germany.

All this has particular point and accent in the aftermath of the massacre of 76 Norwegians by Anders Behring Breivik. He aimed to murder the Labour prime minister Jens Stoltenberg and youth members of the party at their summer camp because they are the appeasers who have allowed Muslim immigrants to get more than a toehold in Norway.

The issue was summed up a couple of days ago by one of the most socially and politically observant and astute officers I have known in the British Army, or any other army for that matter.

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