Saturday, July 2, 2011

Nigerian population to hit 402m in 2050

by IGNATIUS CHUKWU - business day online
Nigeria would by 2050 become the world’s fastest growing population, hitting an estimated 402million to remain one of the top 10 population powers in the world, the US Census Bureau survey report has revealed. It was likewise projected that Lagos may surprise the world in urban recreation and facelift through the multi-billion Eko Atlantic artificial island project pioneered by the Fashiola administration with a corporation, South Energyx.
By the first half of this century (2050), the world comprise 9.4billion people and Nigeria will contribute significantly to this, recording a population slightly behind that of the US which would be 423million, slightly up from its present 308million.
In a survey report scooped by Time Magazine, Nigeria is to be followed by Ethiopia as two countries of the world on track to make the biggest population gains by 2050. Also, Nigeria is estimated in the survey to have 166million people at the moment, while Ethiopia, pegged at 91million, is to hit 278million by 2050 and climb to top 10 for the first time.

For full article:

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