Friday, July 1, 2011

Kofi Annan: Land Size of France Bought by Hedge Funds in 2009

6/27/2011 --- Kofi Annan, chairman of the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa, has warned that the current food security crisis, with almost one billion people hungry, could turn into a permanent disaster, endangering millions of lives as well as international cooperation.   

"Along with tackling the linked problem of climate change, delivering global food and nutrition security is the challenge of our time,” he said.

Delivering the 27th McDougall Memorial Lecture on food security, the former UN Secretary General and Nobel Peace Prize winner said, "if countries cannot come together successfully to deliver food security – this most basic of human needs – our hopes for wider international co-operation look doomed."

He added that over the past few years there has been "an ominous retreat from the idea of a common purpose based on shared values. 

We have seen a worrying rise in protectionism, unilateral export bans, land grabs and exclusive deals that meet the food needs of the rich but not the poor."  

For full article:

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