Saturday, July 30, 2011

'Explosive' population growth threatens developing nations, says UN

By Kate Taylor, TG Daily

By the end of this year, there'll be seven billion people on the planet, a whole billion more than in 1999, according to new UN figures.

In 2011, approximately 135 million people will be born and 57 million will die, a net increase of 78 million people.

And between now and 2050, an estimated 2.3 billion more people will be added — nearly as many as inhabited the entire planet in 1950. By the end of the century, the population will reach 10.1 billion, says the Population Division of the UN's Department of Economic and Social Affairs.
Practically all the growth in the next 40 years - 97 percent - will take place in less developed regions, with just under half in Africa.

For full article:

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