Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Collapse: The Practical Paradigms

By Peter Goodchild
The entire global economy is collapsing, although very few people are aware of this: mainly the very rich and the highly educated. By understanding this, one becomes a member of the illuminati oneself, or if not at least an enlightened refugee.
The word “economy,” however, is a misnomer, because economics is based on a misconception, like alchemy or astrology. Economists think everything can be explained in terms of money, which is seen as a closed system, perfect and eternal, like pure mathematics. What is happening, though, is not a closed system: the decline in natural resources, especially petroleum, and conversely the terrible rise in global population.

For full article:

Peter Goodchild is the author of Surivival Skills of the North American Indians, published by Chicago Review Press. He can be reached at odonatus{at}live.com

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