Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Feeding 9 Billion People by 2050 Requires Unprecedented Collaboration Now, Says DuPont Advisory Committee.

Report Calls for Focus on Increasing Productivity, Food Access and Sustainability

WASHINGTON, June 7, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- The challenge of feeding a growing population of 9 billion by 2050 requires collaboration across all stakeholders on a scale never seen before and it has to start now, according to the DuPont Advisory Committee on Agriculture Innovation and Productivity for the 21st Century.  The committee released a report today detailing recommendations for closing the food productivity gap.

In 2010, DuPont assembled an external committee, which is chaired by former U.S. Senator Thomas A. Daschle, to examine the best public policy mechanisms and business practices to tackle the global challenge to increase agriculture productivity in a sustainable manner.  Other committee members are: Charlotte Hebebrand, chief executive of International Food and Agriculture Trade Policy Council; Jo Luck, president, Heifer International; J.B. Penn, chief economist, Deere and Co., and Pedro Sanchez, director of Tropical Agriculture and Rural Development Program, Earth Institute at Columbia University.

"Addressing the food and nutrition needs of a growing population is the defining challenge of this century," said Daschle.  "The complexity of this challenge – substantial urbanization, diminished resources such as arable land and water, increased rates of malnutrition – are complex and can only be addressed with the kind of innovation that comes from partnerships and collaboration on a whole new level.  Governments, private sector, universities, research institutions, NGOs and farmers must come together with a common purpose." 

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