Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Real European Debt Crisis - iStockAnalyst

By Jacob Wolinsky
There have been numerous stories about the Euro-crisis, a possible Greek default and the PIIGs. However, there is another looming crisis on the horizon for Europe, unless something changes drastically.

One of the biggest factors behind growth is; demographics, demographics, demographics. Despite Japan having 10x the GDP per capita of China; China is now the second largest economy of the world due to their massive population of 1.3 billion people. India is also becoming a super power due to the massive growth rate of the population. India had the world's largest economy, with a 29% share of world GDP in 1700 , when India numbered 180 million people and represented 20% of the world's population. These are just a few statics to show how important expanding populations are for economic growth and prosperity.

For full article:

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