Monday, June 13, 2011

U.N. Report Highlights Concerns About Population-Related Activities Funding

Financial support for population-related activities worldwide has not significantly increased since 2008, according to a report (.pdf) from U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to the U.N. Commission on Population and Development (CPD), Inter Press Service reports. The CPD is meeting this week.
"The population package in need of funding consists of four components: family planning; reproductive health; preventing sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS; and basic research, data and population and development policy analysis," according to the news service. In 2008, population funding reached $10.4 billion, which was an "historic high because it was the first time that population assistance by Western donors had surpassed 10 billion dollars," according to the report. However funding "stalled in 2009," reaching $10.39 billion and "remaining virtually at the same level" as the year before. "The funding levels for 2010 have been estimated slightly higher, at 10.5 billion dollars, with a projected figure of 10.8 billion dollars in 2011," IPS writes, noting that those numbers are considered large enough to fully implement the global population agenda (Deen, 4/13). 
For full article:

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