Thursday, June 23, 2011

Crop growers brace for more violence in Egypt. Farmers are afraid that there may be more brawls like last year's over the lack of irrigation water.

By Mohssen Arishie - The Egyptian Gazette

CAIRO - As the nation starts to sweat under a scorching sun, Egyptian farmers are afraid that there may be more brawls like last year's over the lack of irrigation water.

Soothing statements by the Government about the resumption of cordial relations with other Nile Basin states haven't persuaded infuriated farmers to stop cursing water officials.

      Every summer, crop growers get involved in nasty fights with their neighbours over who should irrigate their land first, saving their crops from dying.

      Sometimes, farmers' crops in hard-hit areas do in fact shrivel up and die. The tragedy can be more disastrous, when some growers ignore the public's health and use sewage water to irrigate their land.

      Many citizens have died as a result of eating contaminated fruit and vegetables. The Government is also suffering, as health officials complain that the medical treatment for people who get sick from eating contaminated agricultural produce is very expensive.

For full article:

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