Thursday, June 23, 2011

Palestine in grip of water shortage (The root of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict)

By Ibrahim Husseini, Press TV, Jordan Valley

As the combined population of Palestinians and Israelis nears the 12 million mark, a considerable challenge looms ! To sustain a steady water source for drinking and agriculture.

That's the less known story of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the water aspect of it. Water resources in the Palestinian territories are not enough, and while the drought lingers on; water becomes a fiercely contested issue.

The main fresh water source in the area comes from the Jordan river and the sea of Galilee or Lake Tiberias providing roughly 630 billion cubic meters of water per year.

The sea of Galilee or Lake Tiberias is situated south of the Golan Heights. At 209 meters below the sea level it is the lowest fresh water lake on earth and the second lowest lake in the world after the Dead sea. But a 10 year below average rainfall has caused the Lake's water level to drop well below the red line mark.

For full article and news video:

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