Wednesday, June 15, 2011

'You Trashed My World And Stole My Life': Dealing With Generational Eco-Depression

By Linda Buzzell, Psychotherapist; co-editor, 'Ecotherapy: Healing with Nature in Mind'

A shy, 21-year-old college student nervously combs back her long, blonde hair with her fingers. "I'm afraid to have kids, you know," she says. "All through school I've seen those charts -- especially the overpopulation and resource depletion charts -- and I don't know if I want to bring a kid into the crowded, underfed, poisoned world we're heading into. 2035 may seem a long way away to you, but I'll only be 45, and if I have a kid, they'll be a teenager."
"I'm so damn pissed," a young man confesses. "The world's a mess, between Wall Street crooks and the environment being fucked up. Great. No jobs and a trashed planet. What's left for us?"

For full article:

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