Thursday, June 16, 2011

Latinos and population growth: Five interesting tidbits

By Leslie Berestein Rojas - Multi-American

News about the nation’s growing Latino population has been rolling out almost continuously since the results of the 2010 Census were announced late last year.
First there was the speculation about who was driving population growth in some of the nation’s most politically influential states. When ethnic and racial data was released earlier this year, it was revealed that Latinos in the United States now number more than 50 million.
The last few days have brought a fresh crop of Latino population growth headlines, these stemming from new data released by the U.S. Census Bureau last week. The gist: The Latino population in the U.S. rose by 15.2 million between 2000 and 2010, growing four times faster than the nation’s overall growth rate and accounting for half the nation’s population increase of 27.3 million since 2000.
Some states have seen more growth than others, particularly in the South and Midwest (though in California, Latinos were outpaced in growth by Asian Americans).
That’s the big picture, but there have been these interesting news tidbits as well:

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