Tuesday, June 14, 2011

There are too many people in the world - (Breaking the political taboo.. Australia speaks out)

by Everald Compton - Online Opinion Australia's e-journal
Politicians across the globe take up the debate on climate change every day and tear one another apart in the process. Scientists do likewise.
However, they all agree on one thing — no-one must raise the issue of the serious over-population of the world because that will scare too many voters into believing that people in powerful places are considering a serious culling of the population, causing some to worry that they may be among those who are targeted as being surplus to need.
Nevertheless, political leaders know that overpopulation is the major cause of the world’s pollution, and they are very aware that it will get worse. In addition, the governments of the world know that they have little hope of providing the food, shelter, housing and fresh water that billions of new people will need just to survive with the bare basics.

So, they say nothing in the hope that they will have left Parliament before drastic action must be taken. They are more than happy to let the next generation fix it. In the meantime, they pretend that they are seriously facing-up to pollution by introducing carbon pricing and emissions trading. Important as those issues may be, they are only part of the answer to a massive problem.
In April, Sir David Attenborough spelt-out loudly and clearly the facts on over-population that most people want to ignore. He called for urgent action, yet every world leader ignored him in the same way that they have ignored the strong warnings of eminent population forecasters for decades.

About the Author
Everald Compton is Chairman of the Australian Transport and Energy Corridor Ltd; the Surat Basin Railway; the Advisory Panel on the Economic Potential of Senior Australians; the Forum on Mature Age Participation and the former Chairman of the National Seniors Association. His monthly newsletter Everald at Large can be subscribed to free by sending an email to compton@everaldatlarge.com.

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