Saturday, June 18, 2011

South Africa's problem is not overpopulation - (The other side)

By Mthuthuzeli Gqokoma | Times Live
I read with interest the comment, "Overpopulation is South Africa's major problem", and have an opinion to share on the very same topic.
Obviously there is a problem in South Africa with poor people giving birth to children, which we often wonder whether they can take care of them.
This necessitates our government and civil society in general to take the necessary steps in terms of educating people about the importance of family planning so that those children will have better opportunities in life. What I don’t agree with are the racial tones of the article referred to. Is it only black people who have more than one child?
I don’t think many white, coloureds and Indians have more than one child, why? They have the economic means to take care of them.
South Africa does not have an overpopulation problem. Our problems stem from our recent past where blacks were deprived of economic opportunities deliberately so.
This was done through the homelands system, provision of an inferior education, limited career choices etc.

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