Wednesday, June 29, 2011

David Cameron must speak out on climate change, says top scientist Sir David King, a former chief scientific adviser, writes in the Guardian to urge prime minister to fill 'leadership vacuum'

By Damian Carrington – The Guardian

David Cameron must end his silence on climate change and "step up to the plate" to provide international leadership, the former government chief scientific adviser Prof Sir David King says on Wednesday.
Writing in the Guardian, King also reveals that after his declaration that global warming was a greater threat than global terrorism in 2004, then US president, George Bush, asked Tony Blair, then prime minster, for to have him gagged.
King's warning made headlines around the world at the time. "But I refused to be gagged, and that statement and others spurred the UK to develop a leadership role on climate change among the international community," King writes.

For full article:

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